Waar kunnen we landen?

May 2023 - Zeist, NL

Waar kunnen we landen? (Where can we land?) was a site-specific performance made with 45 social science students. The performance was a personal exploration of our alienation with our own bodies and from nature, in a time that lacks a deep connection with one's own body and earth. The source of inspiration was the work 'Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime' by Bruno Latour.

In the first chapter of the performance, the audience walked different routes in groups in the forest, experiencing intimate self-made scenes of the students. In the second chapter, the audience experienced a grand indoor performance with all the students performing poetic choreographies and scenes.

The rehearsals were open workspaces, with discussions about the topic, meetings with Extinction Rebellion, and outdoor nature explorations. We created scenes, music, and choreographies about our relationship with the earth and ourselves. The scenes were created out of personal experiences and felt values.

"Can we acquire a deeper consciousness that is connected to living reality and that teaches us better: What's next?"